Remember that old granny in all our nursery rhyme books, who sat on a chair in one corner of the house knitting a cute little sweater, with a cat running around playing with wool? Yes, that serene feel is exactly what you go through while crocheting.

Crochet is a technique for making textiles that involves interlocking loops of yarn, thread, or other materials with a crochet hook. The yarn comes in a range of colours which can be used to make aesthetic pieces like outer clothing, hats, sweaters, pillow covers, bags, dolls and much more.
The art of Crocheting and Knitting have played the roles of being stressbusters for the longest time now. Women, for generations have been Indulging in these crafts as it gave them a break from household work and also a sense of achievement for having created something beautiful with their own hands. In today’s world, not just women but also men have picked up yarn and a hook to relax themselves. We all witnessed the viral videos of Olympic champion swimmer Tom Daley knitting in between his competition rounds at the recently concluded Olympics, to relieve his stress.
Crocheting gives as much peace and strength as meditation. While these crafts can be extremely helpful for taking a break and coping up with a hectic life, in the recent days, more and more people are turning this hobby into business.
One such person is Sania Noor, a teenager from Bengaluru who turned her endless love for Crochet into a business and now runs it successfully through her Instagram page @the.crochet.girl
Here’s a video showing some of Sania’s works and also a small clip of her crocheting a cute bow.
Sania started Crocheting as a pastime in her childhood and had lost touch of it later in her early teenage days, only to get back to it during the pandemic. She started posting her work online in 2020 which was appreciated by people on the internet who also requested her to start a business. Sania says people show interest in buying clothes, home décor and accessories made out of crocheting.
Crocheting might feel a little intimidating to start with, but start slow and once you get a hold of it, it is addictive. So, what are you waiting for? Pick that yarn and a hook and create magic with your hands as well as support artists like Sania who work hard to put a smile on the customer’s face by making these cute artifacts.
Beautifully put. It reminded me of the childhood days. How my mom use to crochet all day tirelessly. Back then I had unique dresses in my school. As we grew up and moved to city and started using readymade dress. It's almost a nostalgia now.
Amazing broo❤️ loved it❤️
Woahhhh it's really amazing 💯🔥🔥
Got to know about the art of Crocheting! Very well written.
Love this! As a connoisseur of crochet, I love this kind of content! ❤